In Traditional Chinese Medicine, any disease can be the result of excessive or deficient energy within the body’s meridian and organ systems. Allergies and sensitivities are no different.
Every substance, natural and man-made, has a unique electromagnetic signature or profile. The human body is also comprised of electromagnetic energy. This is known as Qi. In the presence of a substance the body has only three responses: hyper-sensitivity, hypo-sensitivity or no response. This is true whether the substance is a food, a weed, a grass, a chemical, a pet, or whatever. The human body is constantly working to maintain balance in all of its systems. Its ability to do this is compromised, however, by overwork, emotional stress, poor diet, lack of sufficient sleep, etc.
If the body’s systems are imbalanced for an extended period of time, the immune system’s health also suffers. The effect of a substance on the body is directly related to the immune system and can be measured. This is called Bio Energetic Stress Testing. Meridian Harmonics uses FDA approved technology to determine excessive and deficient energy in the meridian systems of the body and thus a patient’s sensitivities. Once identified, the immune system can be reprogrammed to elicit no response to substances previously causing hyper or hypo sensitive symptoms. Additionally, modifying those lifestyle areas responsible for devitalizing the immune system will prevent the body from continually reacting to “allergic” substances. The result is a reduction or elimination in the episodes of allergic reactions and the number of medications needed to treat these symptoms.
Meridian Harmonics
Saturday, February 01, 2003
Diseases of the New Millennium
Have you noticed how many people seem to have the following health problems: arthritis, bronchitis, cholecystitis, colitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, encephalitis, endometritis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, meningitis, phlebitis, prostatitis, rhinitis, thyroiditis, urethritis, vaginitis, vulvitis, etc… Notice that each of these has the common suffix itis. That is, they are all inflammatory diseases. Though not new, they seem to be the most commonly diagnosed diseases of internal medical doctors in recent years. Though the terminology is somewhat different, Chinese medicine has recognized these diseases for thousands of years. Inflammatory diseases are successfully treated using Chinese medicine.
It is no coincidence that the largest group of herbs in the Chinese herbal pharmacy is a group of herbs that addresses all the many types of inflammatory diseases. This is a very powerful group of herbs, with antibacterial and antiviral properties. They are, typically, cold and bitter, in nature. This is to facilitate the mechanism of draining excess heat, dampness and toxins from the body. The wonderful aspect of Chinese herbal medicine is that it is free of the many worrisome side effects that western prescription medications have. However, all herbs have contraindications and are not to be used for certain conditions. Unfortunately, many people tend to self diagnose and self medicate themselves. Unless one has specialized knowledge of herbal energetics, more harm than good can result.
Doctors of Chinese medicine are well trained in the proper use of herbs. When used correctly herbal medicines have an amazing ability to correct the imbalances that cause inflammation. This is due to the fact that, in addition to treating the acute problems, Oriental medical doctors also treat the underlying constitutional imbalances that prevent a patient from maintaining optimum wellness. To discuss a particular problem, call today to schedule a consultation appointment.
Meridian Harmonics
It is no coincidence that the largest group of herbs in the Chinese herbal pharmacy is a group of herbs that addresses all the many types of inflammatory diseases. This is a very powerful group of herbs, with antibacterial and antiviral properties. They are, typically, cold and bitter, in nature. This is to facilitate the mechanism of draining excess heat, dampness and toxins from the body. The wonderful aspect of Chinese herbal medicine is that it is free of the many worrisome side effects that western prescription medications have. However, all herbs have contraindications and are not to be used for certain conditions. Unfortunately, many people tend to self diagnose and self medicate themselves. Unless one has specialized knowledge of herbal energetics, more harm than good can result.
Doctors of Chinese medicine are well trained in the proper use of herbs. When used correctly herbal medicines have an amazing ability to correct the imbalances that cause inflammation. This is due to the fact that, in addition to treating the acute problems, Oriental medical doctors also treat the underlying constitutional imbalances that prevent a patient from maintaining optimum wellness. To discuss a particular problem, call today to schedule a consultation appointment.
Meridian Harmonics
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