Most patients, and their traditional western trained doctors, are unfamiliar with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, in general. Most have no concept of the medicine and what conditions are treatable. Most patients and doctors I talk to are surprised to discover that Chinese medicine dates back thousands of years. It has had the opportunity to treat nearly every condition that patients face today. What's even more surprising is that Chinese medicine isn't based on the western medical model of viral and bacterial infections and hormone imbalances. Chinese medicine is a complete medicine that does not take into account the nervous system of western medicine. So, how can this be?
There is another model or map of the human body that dates back nearly 10,000 years that provides a unique view of the body that can help explain those unexplained western diseases and disorder. Modern day patients with modern day health problems have access to this medicine today. To begin this life changing process the practitioners of Chinese medicine conduct a thorough examination of a patients current and past medical history along with list of the health concerns they want to address. A customized treatment plan is then designed. Throughout the initial treatment phase, regular re-evaluations will be conducted in order to confirm or modify the overall treatment strategies. Chinese medicine is all about treating the root of the health problems, not just band-aiding the symptoms. Meridian Harmonics is the premiere clinic of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in North Texas. The time is now. Revolutionize your health and wellness!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
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