In Chinese medicine, seasonal treatments occurring during the beginning of each season will help keep a person’s immune system strong. In addition to the four seasons, there also exists 24 periods or festivals within Chinese astrology, that are designated either Yin or Yang. Since Chinese medicine emphasizes balance of the Yin and Yang energies of the body, those who receive acupuncture treatments during these pivotal points in the natural energetic cycles of the body, tend to have less incidence of compromised health. These festivals are dependent on the Chinese New Year and occur about every 15 days and are based on a combination of both the solar and lunar months.
These natural cycles are similar to circadian rhythms. Chinese medicine has several interactive cycles. One cycle repeats every 60 years and is rooted in the concept of Yin, Yang, Chinese 5 Element theory and the Chinese astrological animal. Since 2005 is a Green Rooster year, the next Green Rooster year will not occur until 2065. An example of a shorter cycle is the concept of the Chinese clock. It recognizes that certain times of the day are either Yin or Yang and that specific organs are related, energetically, with specific periods of the day. For instance, the Liver is associated with the period between 1-3 AM and is responsible for patients who have difficulty sleeping during this time and afterwards.
When we begin to observe and respect the natural cycles that govern both the natural world, as well as our own lives, we can begin to maximize our health and wellness.
Meridian Harmonics
Friday, April 01, 2005
Children Dying Sooner Than Parents
For the first time in modern history, today's younger generation will have shorter and less healthy lives than their parents. Within 50 years obesity will shorten the average life span two to five years to 72.6. Obesity is now affecting nearly 2 out of 10 of U.S. school-age children.
Some sobering obesity statistics: 2 out of 3 U.S. adults are overweight or obese; 1 out of 3 adults qualify as obese; 30 percent of U.S. children are overweight. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past 25 years; Childhood diabetes has increased 10-fold in the past 20 years; 4 to 16 year-old children are developing Type 2 diabetes at an alarming rate.
Chinese medicine and food energetics can play a major role in helping people to prevent obesity and its related health risks. Restoring balance to the body is a key factor in addressing the root causes of obesity, the disease process and a poor quality of life. Examples of food energetics are the cooling properties of watermelon, the warming and blood moving aspect of cinnamon, the lubricating and yin nurturing quality of bananas and the diuretic and diaphoretic actions of onions. Food selection can either hinder or boost a person’s ability to recover from diseases and disorders. The key is to choose your food wisely.
Meridian Harmonics
Some sobering obesity statistics: 2 out of 3 U.S. adults are overweight or obese; 1 out of 3 adults qualify as obese; 30 percent of U.S. children are overweight. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past 25 years; Childhood diabetes has increased 10-fold in the past 20 years; 4 to 16 year-old children are developing Type 2 diabetes at an alarming rate.
Chinese medicine and food energetics can play a major role in helping people to prevent obesity and its related health risks. Restoring balance to the body is a key factor in addressing the root causes of obesity, the disease process and a poor quality of life. Examples of food energetics are the cooling properties of watermelon, the warming and blood moving aspect of cinnamon, the lubricating and yin nurturing quality of bananas and the diuretic and diaphoretic actions of onions. Food selection can either hinder or boost a person’s ability to recover from diseases and disorders. The key is to choose your food wisely.
Meridian Harmonics
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