Acupuncture is a form of complementary or alternative medicine, and many of my patients ask about it. It first gained recognition in the United States in 1971 when a well-known New York Times columnist, James Reston, developed appendicitis on a trip to China. His pain following surgery was treated not with conventional pain medicines but with acupuncture. Reston reported that his pain had been completely relieved by acupuncture. His standing and credibility caused many people to take acupuncture seriously.
Acupuncture has long been used to treat headaches. But until recently, there hadn’t been strong evidence to support its use for headache pain. Two large scientific reviews have changed that. One review found that acupuncture may help people with episodic or chronic tension headaches. The other review found that acupuncture may prevent migraine headaches as well as or better than medications.
The tension headache review looked at 11 studies involving about 2,300 people. In two large studies included in the review, nearly half of people who received acupuncture in addition to their usual headache treatment said their headache days were cut by at least half. Only 16 percent of those who received typical headache treatment, but no acupuncture, reported the same level of headache relief.
The migraine review found evidence that getting regular acupuncture treatments in addition to typical migraine treatments (such as taking painkillers) cut the frequency of migraines. Also, when acupuncture was compared to taking a preventive drug, people who received acupuncture improved more and had fewer side effects than those taking medications.
According to Chinese medical theory, acupuncture works by affecting the flow of energy, called “qi,” through pathways or channels of energy that run through the body. The practitioner inserts very fine needles at specific points along these pathways.
Acupuncture has many variations. It typically involves four to 10 needles left in place for 10-30 minutes. A course of treatment may include six to 12 sessions. Most people report that acupuncture needles cause little or no pain.
Acupuncture is among the most promising of nontraditional headache therapies.
Some patients may require additional therapies, such as Chinese herbal medicine as an adjunct to their acupuncture treatments. Typically, the frequency of acupuncture treatments is one to three times per week. On the other hand, Chinese herbal medicine to treat headaches can be used daily. Patients who are able to incorporate acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to treat their condition get the best results.
If you decide to try acupuncture, do your homework before choosing a practitioner. If possible, choose a therapist with a state license. If you live in a state that doesn’t require licensing, seek out one who’s certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
You may also want to get a referral from your doctor. (In any case, inform your doctor if you are going to try acupuncture.)
Meridian Harmonics provides various acupuncture and customized Chinese herbal therapies to treat the many different types of headaches and migraines.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Flu Season Immune Boosting Tips
Ah, January, the time when you pack away the holiday lights, put away the presents ... and get ready for the flu season.
Flu activity usually peaks in the U.S. in January or February. According to this week's FluView report posted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza activity is on the rise for the season in the U.S., with 29 states experiencing high levels of influenza-like illness.
Ten states including California report low or minimal flu activity. These levels of influenza are comparable to those of moderately severe flu seasons in the past.
What can you do to prevent the flu? Practice good hygiene including washing your hands frequently, including before you touch your face or eat.
If you have not been vaccinated against the flu, you should do so now. If you have severe influenza illness, or are at risk for influenza illness-related complications, you should get the influenza antiviral medications (regardless of whether you've had the flu vaccine).
In addition, there are a number of holistic interventions you can do to boost your immunity before or during a flu or upper-respiratory infection.
Here are our top holistic immunity-boosting tips for the flu season:
Decrease your intake of processed carbohydrates and sugary foods. Even small amounts of sugar can suppress the immune system and make you more likely to get an infection, or more sick when you have one.
The herbs Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpura are for prevention and long-term immune support. Doses generally used are 2.5 grams of root taken preventively, and can be tripled to head off an impending infection.
The herb Androgrophis paniculata is used in acute viral or bacterial infections. Doses used are typically 1,000 milligrams per day of extract, or about 6 grams of the herb.
The herb Ashwgandha is considered an adaptogen, and can help the body respond to stress and ward off illness. It can also help insomnia related to the flu
if taken in the evening. Doses of Ashwgandha are around 1,000 miligrams a day, or a couple pills a day when the pills doses are around 400 to 500 milligrams.
Fresh ginger steeped in hot water to form a hot tea can be a natural immune booster, and can help against nausea, congestion and abdominal bloating. You can add a little fresh lemon and honey to the tea to calm a sore throat.
Nasal saline rinses, or nedipots, used daily can help wash out viruses and bacteria in the nasal passages.
Garlic, raw, cooked or in the form of supplements can boost immunity and has been shown to reduce cough and congestion.
Doses of garlic recommended are 2 to 5 grams of fresh raw garlic, 0.4 to 1.2 grams of garlic powder or 2 to 5 milligrams of garlic oil daily.
Garlic can be taken with food to minimize gastrointestinal upset.
Exercising in moderation has been shown in many studies to be a natural immunity booster, and may reduce the incidence and severity of viral infections.
If you think you have the flu, contact your physician.
If you don't have the flu, make sure you have had the flu vaccination, eat healthfully and exercise daily.
Try these holistic remedies if needed, in conjunction with your physician's advice. We hope you have a healthy flu-free winter.
Flu activity usually peaks in the U.S. in January or February. According to this week's FluView report posted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza activity is on the rise for the season in the U.S., with 29 states experiencing high levels of influenza-like illness.
Ten states including California report low or minimal flu activity. These levels of influenza are comparable to those of moderately severe flu seasons in the past.
What can you do to prevent the flu? Practice good hygiene including washing your hands frequently, including before you touch your face or eat.
If you have not been vaccinated against the flu, you should do so now. If you have severe influenza illness, or are at risk for influenza illness-related complications, you should get the influenza antiviral medications (regardless of whether you've had the flu vaccine).
In addition, there are a number of holistic interventions you can do to boost your immunity before or during a flu or upper-respiratory infection.
Here are our top holistic immunity-boosting tips for the flu season:
Decrease your intake of processed carbohydrates and sugary foods. Even small amounts of sugar can suppress the immune system and make you more likely to get an infection, or more sick when you have one.
The herbs Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpura are for prevention and long-term immune support. Doses generally used are 2.5 grams of root taken preventively, and can be tripled to head off an impending infection.
The herb Androgrophis paniculata is used in acute viral or bacterial infections. Doses used are typically 1,000 milligrams per day of extract, or about 6 grams of the herb.
The herb Ashwgandha is considered an adaptogen, and can help the body respond to stress and ward off illness. It can also help insomnia related to the flu
if taken in the evening. Doses of Ashwgandha are around 1,000 miligrams a day, or a couple pills a day when the pills doses are around 400 to 500 milligrams.
Fresh ginger steeped in hot water to form a hot tea can be a natural immune booster, and can help against nausea, congestion and abdominal bloating. You can add a little fresh lemon and honey to the tea to calm a sore throat.
Nasal saline rinses, or nedipots, used daily can help wash out viruses and bacteria in the nasal passages.
Garlic, raw, cooked or in the form of supplements can boost immunity and has been shown to reduce cough and congestion.
Doses of garlic recommended are 2 to 5 grams of fresh raw garlic, 0.4 to 1.2 grams of garlic powder or 2 to 5 milligrams of garlic oil daily.
Garlic can be taken with food to minimize gastrointestinal upset.
Exercising in moderation has been shown in many studies to be a natural immunity booster, and may reduce the incidence and severity of viral infections.
If you think you have the flu, contact your physician.
If you don't have the flu, make sure you have had the flu vaccination, eat healthfully and exercise daily.
Try these holistic remedies if needed, in conjunction with your physician's advice. We hope you have a healthy flu-free winter.
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