Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Preventing Diseases of Autumn with Chinese Medicine

Did you know that Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes five seasons, rather than the standard four “western” seasons? TCM also recognizes each season has certain pathogenic factors associated with them and the pathogenic factors for each season typically affect particular organ systems. We normally transition from one season to the next without thinking about it. From a wellness perspective, there are specific measures we can take to prevent our health from suffering during these transitional phases, as well as maintaining health and wellness throughout the term of each season. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can actually boost and stimulate the immune system. In doing so, we have the ability to ward off the external pathogenic factors associated with the seasons. Along with proper diet, exercise and sleep, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can keep you and your family healthy when others seem to always get sick. Some foods to avoid, limit or remove from your diet during the fall season are: 1) allergens/food intolerances, especially milk and milk products; 2) grains, especially wheat; stimulating foods, spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine and cold drinks; 3) white bread, refined foods, processed foods, sugar and sweets, catarrh-forming foods: oranges, tofu, tomatoes; 4) meat, ice cream, shellfish; 5) cooling foods and eggs are contraindicated for some conditions, while garlic, fresh ginger, pork, mustard green, sweet rice, sugar and walnuts should not be used for others.; 6) for excess phlegm in the lungs avoid dairy, soy products, coconut, sugar, sweet rice, persimmon, pork, almond, honey and peanuts. Make an appointment early so that you can learn more about your particular constitutional body type. That way a customized prevention program can be designed just for you. Enjoy the Autumn season with the changing fall colors without being distracted from the affects of a compromised immune system.

Meridian Harmonics