Attitude, especially gratitude and forgiveness, are the foundation for immunity. One of the ancient texts of Chinese medicine states “Those who act with bravery and courage will overcome diseases, while those who act out of fear will fall ill”.
Belief is a very powerful universal force. Patient’s, who have a strong belief in their medicine of choice, whether it is acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine or traditional western pharmacological medicine, tend to respond much more favorably to treatments. Those who simply go through the motions, don’t believe in the medicine and don’t support the therapies, in regards to diet, lifestyle, exercise, etc. tend not to respond favorably to treatment. In fact, I find it very shocking that patients come in and say they want to get well but their actions and attitudes don’t support what their saying.
According to traditional Chinese physiology, getting rid of old resentments clears the liver of obstructions, which in turn permits the smooth and vigorous circulation of protective and other bodily energies. It really is true that physiologically, we hurt ourselves with anger or resentment. Without first resolving the attitudes and emotions surrounding any disease or disorder, patients tend to continue eating and living a lifestyle that supports the disease or disorder, itself.
Chinese medicine has always recognized the importance of one’s emotional environment. Physical symptoms can be alleviated or agitated depending one’s emotional environment. In order to elicit change at the physical level of the body, one must first elicit change at the psycho-emotional level of the mind. This is where true long-lasting healing occurs.
Meridian Harmonics