Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pulse Matrix Chinese Pulse Diagnosis

Now Available: Pulse Matrix Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
MERIDIAN HARMONICS Announces Revolutionary Pulse Diagnosis

Revolutionary Diagnostic System Invented by Meridian Harmonics

Chinese medicine has steadily been gaining credibility in the United States since the mid 1970's. Unfortunately, most doctors of Oriental medicine are not trained in the "hard science" of this 8000 year old medicine. Why? Because most practitioners and instructors in this field are not trained in the scientific disciplines that comprise the foundational basis for ALL medicine.

Most people do not realize that there are scientific principles and laws governing all matter in the universe. Nothing is exempt, especially medicine. This applies to western and eastern medicine. Both must play by the same rules.

For 13 years Mark Tryling has been studying the primary diagnostic system of Chinese medicine, pulse diagnosis, for a way to merge the concepts of western science with eastern medicine. His new book, for professionals, The Pulse Matrix, describes this system in great detail. He is now using this system, exclusively, with all his patients. A few of the benefits of this system are shown below:

Vascular Efficiency
Spinal Segment Imbalance Relationships to Systemic Organic Disorders
Treatment Strategy Options
Organ Stability and Volatility
Abdominal and Thoracic Cavity Organ Vitality
Endocrine System Imbalances
Organ Toxicity

He is a certified and credentialed CME (Continued Medical Education) Instructor for the Texas Medical Board and will begin teaching this complete system of diagnosis and treatment to other physicians and practitioners this year.

A Message from your acupuncturist:

Patient care is highly individualized. No two patients are considered to be the same in regards to their underlying disease processes or treatment strategies. At Meridian Harmonics, we understand this. As a result we work with each patient to design a treatment program to restore and maximize health and wellness in a timely fashion. Our best patients are those who are embrace the concepts of natural health and wellness, are willing to become educated in this 8000 year old medicine and team up with us in helping them reach their health goals.

D. Mark Tryling, LAC, D. AC, CH


Meridian Harmonics Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine is located in Bedford, Texas. It has been providing patient care since 2001. It provides the three primary disciplines of Chinese medicine: acupuncture, and has a complete Chinese herbal compounding pharmacy to provide herbal solutions to internal medical disorders.