Friday, December 02, 2011

Preparing for the Winter Season

From a western medicine perspective, bacterial and viral infections are the main cause of winter ailments. Lack of sunlight and low temperatures in the cold seasons provide an ideal setting for viral and bacterial infections, which can give rise to colds, coughs, sore throats, flu and other winter illnesses. Furthermore the body’s immunity also tends to get weakened during the colder season and therefore it is more susceptible to attacks from various viruses and bacteria. These infections are also highly contagious and can be passed on easily from one person to another by simple actions like coughing or sneezing. This is one of the main reasons why common colds and coughs spread so easily. People who suffer from various allergies also have a difficult time during the winter months. These allergies also tend to last longer because most people prefer staying indoors when the temperatures are lower. Winter ailments can affect people of all age groups but tend to affect older individuals sooner than others because of their lowered immunity. Even pregnant women and individuals who suffer from immune system disorders are more prone to winter ailments because of a weakened immunity. People who have unhealthy eating habits and follow a sedentary lifestyle are also more at risk from different types of winter ailments. Poor eating habits and a lack of physical activity can directly impact a person’s immunity and raise the risk of succumbing to winter diseases. Therefore it is very important to follow a healthy balanced diet that can provide the body with all the essential nutrients it needs to be strong and healthy. Regular exercise can also help a great deal to increase your general fitness levels, boost your immune and help prevent not just infections, but minimize allergic reactions as well. Winter ailments like chilblain can also be avoided with the help of a good diet and regular exercise.

Chinese Medicine Model of Winter Disease

In Chinese medicine, each one of the seasons necessitates we modify our lifestyle and diet. Each season is characterized by a primary significant pathogenic factor. The winter months provide a stronger opportunity for the Cold pathogenic factor to affect our bodies. Cold affects the body by stagnating Qi, Blood and Body Fluids. Cold transforms active energy in the various organs and their associative acupuncture meridians and channels and converts the activated energy to potential or stagnant energy. Potential energy in the body is energy that is waiting to be activated. Chinese medical theory recognizes that activated energy in the body is required to maintain good health, increase longevity, boost immunity and minimize disease symptoms. Unfortunately, the Cold pathogenic factor of the winter season deactivates the body’s energy by stagnating it. An important precept of Chinese medicine is when all the body’s subtle energies are moving harmoniously then health will be manifested. Conversely, when these energies are stagnant then the disease process and accompanying symptoms will be manifested.

If you suspect that you’re experiencing a Cold Invasion, here are a few of the typical symptoms: chilliness, cold and weak knees, cold limbs, fatigue, low back pain, swelling or edema in the lower body, reduced appetite, desire for warm places, food and drinks, lack of thirst, loose stools, abundant clear urine, white tongue coating, pale complexion, blue tinged lips, fingers, toes or extremities.

Combating the Cold pathogenic factor can be accomplished in two major ways: diet and exercise.

In winter the selection of whole foods is sparse compared to the abundant choices we have during the summer. However, the foods that are readily available are perfectly suited for winter. Some excellent food choices for the winter season are shown below.

Spices/Herbs: basil, bay leaves, black pepper, capers, cardamom, cayenne, chives, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, dill seed, fennel seed, garlic, ginger, mustard seed, nutmeg, pine kernel, rosemary, spearmint, anise, fenugreek

Foods: cherry, chestnut, chicken, dates, goat, lamb, leek, lychee, longan, mussel, mustard leaf, mutton, onion, peach, scallion, shrimp, squash, sweet rice, trout, turnip, vinegar, walnut, lobster, venison

The exercises that you would normally engage in during the other seasons can be done in the winter. However, more emphasis should be placed on strengthening exercises rather than cardiovascular exercises. Winter is the Yin time of year. This is the time of year that is more consolidating and less active. It is a time for rebuilding and nourishing the body’s energy, instead of expending energy. In nature, this is a quieter, less active time and should be reflected in our lives, as well.

Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture are great ways to boost your immune system as well as treating winter diseases and disorders, without the side affects typical of western drug therapies.

Caution! Do not self medicate. To determine the correct herbal combinations for your specific conditions (bronchitis, influenza, respiratory infections, ear infections, etc) obtain an herbal consultation with an Oriental Medical practitioner to get an accurate diagnosis and proper course of treatment recommendation.