Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Dec 7, 2021, Yang Metal Rat Month

Dec 7, 2021, is the first day of the Yang Metal Rat month of the Chinese calendar. Just like the animal year, most people are aware of each Chinese New Year, the Chinese calendar also assigns an animal and one of the five elements to each month, day, and hour. What does this mean regarding how Meridian Harmonics approaches health and treatment strategies?
The Yang Metal Rat refers to one of the sixty-four hexagrams described in the I Ching and used in Feng Shui. Its image represents Heaven over Water or Yang over Yin. Yang tends to move upward and Yin tends to move downward.

This represents a separation of these two. What can we do to minimize the effects of this conflict? The major result of this conflict affects the digestive tract and the nutritive processes of the body.
Here at Meridian Harmonics, during this month we will supplement our treatments to support the digestive tract and the nutritive processes of each patient. This can be accomplished using specific acupuncture and herbal therapies. Each patient is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for every patient. We will assess each patient, individually, on what strategies are best suited for them.
There are lifestyle modifications that can be adapted to support this period and the winter season in general. The current season of winter represents a cold environment. This means we should protect our bodies from the cold, internally as well as externally. Overexposure to the cold causes cold to invade the acupuncture channels and leads to the energy of Qi within the channels being inhibited or blocked. This is one of the major ways wintertime infections occur and results in the common cold, influenza, allergies, headaches, tension, and pain in the neck, upper back, and shoulders. Many of the channels in these regions affect the digestive tract. Since each season has a particular nature the winter season encourages us to consume more warming foods. Warm and hot foods and fluids are more beneficial to the digestive tract by stoking the digestive fire needed for proper digestion and elimination. Colder foods and fluids will have the opposite effect by weakening the digestive fire and stagnating the elimination process.
Want to try out acupuncture? Call or email us to schedule a 20-minute holiday stress relief acupuncture session for just $20. 817-835-0885,
Clinic hours: Tue - Fri 8:00 - 12:00, 1:30 - 6:30
Closed: Sat, Sun, Mon
Holiday hours: closed Tue, Dec 28 - Fri Dec 31
We will resume our normal hours Tue, Jan 4, 2022
Meridian Harmonics Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine