Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Clinic Reopening Part 2: Treating Disharmony Patterns, On-line Yoga Therapy,

It's been two weeks since we reopened the clinic after the mandatory COVID-19 shutdown and shelter-in-place orders came down. All-in-all, our patient's report it has been a resounding success. Some of our patients are in high-risk groups and are still concerned about leaving home or getting out in general. We understand and want to reassure them and our community we are doing our part to make our clinic environment safer and healthier than ever before.

We're all getting used to wearing masks. We want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your help in making our clinic safe and healthy for everyone. Also, the pace here at the office is slower with our schedule only having one patient in the office at a time. We're spending more time cleaning surfaces, such as doorknobs, countertops, and really every surface touched by us and our patients. One aspect that hasn't changed is our commitment to make our office and treatments feel safe and healthy while you're here.

Our compound herbal pharmacy has been very busy lately. As always, we're committed to investing in the raw herbal ingredients necessary to meet the needs of our patients and our community, as a whole. Our patients are requesting herbal remedies to address a variety of needs. Conditions such as ongoing anti-viral and anti-bacterial solutions are at the top of the list. Texas has been in the throes of an intense allergy season for the last several weeks, resulting in the need for customized herbal solutions for a variety of allergy symptoms. Fortunately, we have all the specific herbal ingredients needed to treat the various allergy symptoms Texas has to offer.

Most patients are surprised to see the quantity of the herbs in our pharmacy and discover we have herbs to treat nearly everything that they would get a prescription or over-the-counter drug for. Chinese medicine has a history that spans 8,000-10,000 years and has the ability to treat, literally, thousands of conditions. In fact for those that wish to avoid acupuncture, there is most likely, an herbal alternative.

Some of the most common conditions patients are seeking acupuncture for can also be treated with a customized compounded herbal formulas:

Muscle pain
Hormone imbalances
Joint pain
High Cholesterol
Headaches and Migraines
Acid Reflux
Dizziness and Vertigo
Neck pain
Low back pain
Postoperative and traumatic injury recovery
Cardiovascular problems
Kidney disease
Constipation and diarrhea
Bells Palsy
Chemical dependency
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

These are a few examples of conditions we've treated in just the last few months!

Some of the questions we often hear from patients:

How do you determine which herbs are best for me and the medical conditions I'm interested in treating?

This is a great question! There is a huge difference between western medicine, western herbal medicine, and Chinese medicine. Western medicine and western herbal medicine tend to focus on treating symptoms and act more like a band-aid approach. Chinese medicine looks past the symptoms at the underlying root causes to treat symptoms at their root. Chinese medicine recognizes there are underlying patterns of disharmony that are causing all diseases, disorders, conditions, and symptoms. Accordingly, the correct treatment principle is to identify the patterns and treat the pattern rather than band-aiding the symptoms.

How do I find out the patterns of disharmony in my body responsible for my health conditions and symptoms?

Another difference between western and eastern medicines is the diagnostic techniques used. Western medicine uses labs (i.e.: blood analysis, urinalysis, etc.) and imaging (x-ray, MRI, CAT scan, PET scan, etc.). Since Chinese medicine, traditionally, did not have access to these techniques the ancient doctors had to come up with diagnostic techniques that accurately represent the patterns of disharmony present in the patient. These techniques, though thousands of years old are still used today and can even be more comprehensive than modern techniques.

The predominant technique for determining pattern disharmony is called Chinese pulse diagnosis. There are various styles of pulse diagnosis. Each method may take a different route but all tend to reach the same conclusion. Meridian Harmonics has developed a unique style of pulse diagnosis that combines ancient concepts with modern technology to aid in identifying a tremendous amount of information about patient's conditions and the best course of action to treat them effectively and efficiently. This method is called the Pulse Matrix and was developed in 2003. It is a lot more involved than simply determining the heart rate. The Pulse Matrix provides a snapshot in time of what is happening currently inside the body and the disharmony patterns present. It allows us to determine the best treatment options for you. This snapshot is called the Pulse Image.

The human body is never in a stable state. It is constantly changing and adjusting to its environment. Your Pulse Image is constantly changing. Our goal is to provide treatment strategies to move your Pulse Image into a healthy balanced state. For some, this can take some time. It all depends on the severity of inflammation or metabolic sluggishness present in the body. We can help with lifestyle and diet recommendations that will enhance your progress rather than hinder it.

Herbal Appointment Scheduling
The best way to schedule an herbal appointment is to call or email us:
817-835-0885  (Please leave a message if we're with a patient and unable to answer the phone)
If you're not able to come to the clinic, personally, we're happy to do phone consultations or a telemedicine consult using Zoom. Let us know what works best for you. 

On-site herbal consultations are 30-45 minutes, for new patients and 15-20 minutes for established patients.

Online Yoga Therapy
Michelle is providing one-on-one or group online yoga therapy sessions using Zoom. Check out her website. To schedule a personalized yoga therapy session, email her at

D. Mark Tryling, LAc., Dipl. AC, CH (NCCAOM)
Lic. AC00563 (TX Medical Board)
Michelle Tryling, E-RYT, Yoga Therapy, Integrated Positional Therapy

Meridian Harmonics - Harmony and Balance for your Good Health
Meridian Harmonics Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
2044 Bedford Rd.
Bedford, TX 76021