Thursday, April 23, 2020

Clinic Re-Opening after COVID-19

Clinic Re-Opening after COVID-19

Thank you for your continued support and interest in our clinic. We will continue to serve you and your family to the best of our ability as we learn to navigate uncharted territory together.

We will begin to schedule patients for a limited number of in-person treatments at the clinic beginning on May 1, 2020. Keeping informed of current recommendations to medical practitioners, we will transition to seeing patients by restricting access to the clinic one patient per hour. With thorough cleaning and sanitization techniques, we will also rotate the use of treatment rooms. By limiting our clinic to one person at a time, we hope to limit exposure to you and ourselves in order to be as safe as possible. We will continue to offer phone consults, curbside herbal pickups, online yoga therapy, through Zoom, and herbal shipments as well.

Please contact us at any time by email or text us at 682-292-8767. To speak to one of us by phone, please call the clinic at 817-835-0885 to schedule an acupuncture, yoga therapy, or integrated positional therapy appointment. Please note our current hours of operation have changed. Due to high demand and the limited number of available appointments, we will need at least 24 hours notice for rescheduling or cancellation. Please be respectful of others and of our small clinic; you will be charged for last-minute cancellations or no-shows to your appointment.

Our current hours of operation are as follows:
Tuesday-Friday, 8:00 am to 11:30 am; 1:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
Please note the latest acupuncture appointment available is 5:30 pm.

We are still connected as a community! Continue to check our websites and blogs (Clinic blogYoga Therapy BlogYoga Therapy Instagram) for the latest on what we are doing to stay positive and healthy. We also, post interesting articles on the clinic FB page. We love to hear from you so please continue to reach out and update us on how you're doing.

Please stay safe and let us know if we can be of assistance in any way. You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers!

D. Mark Tryling, LAc., Dipl. AC, CH (NCCAOM)
Lic. AC00563 (TX Medical Board)
Meridian Harmonics Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
2044 Bedford Rd.
Bedford, TX 76021

Michelle Tryling, E-RYT, Yoga Therapy, Integrated Positional Therapy