Saturday, April 04, 2020

Clinic Update 4/4/20 - Vertigo/Dizziness Herbs

It looks like we're going to have social distancing around for a while. Please, if you don't need to be out in public, stay home. The more we all adhere to the guidelines the quicker we can all return to some sort of a normal life. However, normal life, most likely, won't ever be the same as it was.

Normal here is different, too. Our treatment rooms for acupuncture, yoga therapy, and integrated positional therapy are quiet, due to social distancing. However, our herbal pharmacy looks like a hurricane hit it. We've had a steady stream of patients coming in picking up herbal prescriptions. We're doing our best to make sure we have the stock necessary to fill your herbal prescription orders.

We had a phone consultation with one of our patients recently regarding a customized herbal formula for dizziness and vertigo. Vertigo and dizziness can be tricky to treat, as there are two major patterns of disharmony that cause these symptoms. A correct diagnosis and treatment are necessary to get the best results. After our conversation, it was determined that we needed to compound a custom formula for resolving stagnant phlegm and dampness leading to a fluid metabolism problem in the head. Mind you, this is just one cause of vertigo and dizziness.

If you need to make an appointment for a phone consult, either email us at or call 817-835-0885. We'll either set up Zoom telemedicine consult with you or simply discuss with you over the phone your herbal needs.