Sunday, June 01, 2003

Heart Psychophysiology

In Chinese Medicine, organ physiology is known as Zang-Fu. The organs are either Yin or Yang, nature. The Heart is considered one of the Yin organs. It shares the energetic level known as Shaoyin with another Yin organ, the Kidney.

Chinese Medicine recognizes the Heart as the Sovereign ruler of the Body-Mind-Spirit. It is considered to be the most important of all the internal organs. It stores the Shen or Spirit-Mind-Consciousness. It regulates the blood vessels, Blood circulation and the pulse. It is manifested on the tongue through speech and expresses itself on the face. It controls all the Yin and Yang organs.

The Heart is associated with the season of Summer and the Fire phase. Its climate is, therefore, Hot. It derives its influence from the south. The Heart is also associated with flourishing growth. The Heart is very sensitive to excessive Heat.

Disharmonies in the Heart or its meridian system may manifest in the following disorders: circulation, perspiration, over excitement, excessive dreams, sleeping problems, speech disorders, mental and emotional problems, and memory problems. All dreams are related to the Heart whether there is excess or lack of dreaming.

Like all the organs, imbalances within the Heart or its meridian system rarely occur alone. Other organ disharmonies can have a huge impact on the health of the Heart. Since the Kidney shares the Shaoyin level with the Heart, Kidney disharmonies can be reflected in the Heart. Within Five Element Theory, the Heart is said to be “generated” by the Liver and when in balance, will successfully “generate” the Spleen. Imbalances within the Liver or Spleen result in excessive stress on the Heart.

Many times patients complain of symptoms generally associated with a Heart disorder. In light of the physical, mental and emotional stress we are experiencing as a result of economic uncertainty, fear of what the future may hold, family problems and self destructive behavior, it is no wonder that many people today are experiencing dis – ease of the Heart.

Meridian Harmonics